Alex thanked Gerry for taking thorough minutes of every meeting so that we could go back and look at previous minutes in case a question or concern came up on what our board had approved or discussed. Before we can put the February 2018 board minutes on the WTSEA website we need to make the correction to the minutes addressed by David Slipp.
David made a motion and Skeet seconded it to approve items A & B of the consent agenda. The motion passed.
Gerry wanted to give a special thanks to Sgt. Darren Wright of the WSP for presenting to approximately thirty senior citizens at the senior center at Chehalis on April 24th. He will be a general session speaker at our fall TSE conference in Wenatchee.
Skeet is still waiting for three bills that will be stated on the bank account memo that has not yet arrived by mail to Skeet. Our bank account looks better than last year’s bank account at this time last year.
The budget for the 2018-2019 school year will be presented and approved at the August 11th meeting. |
Alex had Skeet/Teri add two new items on the website: Information for registering for the summer CWU courses is featured on the Home Page, and information on bills considered during the 2018 Legislative session was posted on the Legislative page under Current Events. The most important information teachers should review is the information on HB 2087, Work Zones. This bill changes the requirements of the Move Over law in Emergency Zones. Drivers must now move over or slow down when approaching construction vehicles on the shoulder with hazard lights flashing.
The Board spent thirty minutes touring and reviewing all of the tabs on the website and offering suggestions. We thanked Skeet and Teri for their hard work. Alex stated that the WTSEA website is now a better tool with more features than the ODTSEA website. Gerry suggested that Skeet and Teri do a workshop at a fall conference on the website. The question was asked, “How many hits do we have on the website every year?” That information can be found through Constant Contact. (Teri checked: We are a “hot” website, getting over 2,000 hits per month) We need to have a place on the front page of our website for links to TSE resources. Gerry mentioned that David Scattergood from the Drug-Free World Association asked him a question concerning registering to be an exhibitor and sponsor. Gerry will connect him with Skeet. One of the advantages of registering early to be a sponsor is that you can advertise longer on our website. Sponsors have their Logo hot-linked on our homepage. Scott made a motion and Skeet seconded it that we approve items C, D and E of the consent agenda items. The motion passed. |
Skeet mentioned that the conference agenda has almost been completed. We still need to know who will represent Operation Lifesaver as their speaker on Friday, October 12th during the pre-conference presentations. Skeet talked about the workshop that he is doing on Saturday, October 13th which will deal with behind-the-wheel and classroom best practices. Each of the five workshop presentations will be approximately one hour long and three of the workshops will be repeated. David is going to talk to Wayne Graham who is the Thurston county prosecutor about his presentation. Registration for the fall conference will start on Tuesday, May 1st. We have a contingency plan if one of the general session or workshop presenters is unable to present for various reasons. Alex Hansen said he would be willing to be the backup plan.
State Farm insurance has indicated that they want to be a Gold sponsor, donating $500. |
The following ESD Area board positions are open for elections which will be held from April 30th thru May 25th: Areas 101, 105, 112, 113, 114, 123, 121 and 171. David Slipp stated that he would run for the ESD #113 position. Bill Haley from Pateros will be running for the ESD #171 position. We need to check with Gale Wilson from Omak to confirm if he wishes to run again for the ESD #171 position, as he is the sitting Board representative from that Area. ESD #189 is not open for elections. There are no nominees for Areas 101, 105, 112, 114, and 123. Kara Bartlett will be appointed after the elections are held to represent ESD #112 Area. Board representatives serve a three-year term, and the president and president-elect serve two-year terms. We have only one name on the ballot for president-elect: Mike Hahn from Granite Falls. If he is elected, the ESD #189 Area will be vacant. It would be nice to have at least another name on the ballot for the President. Skeet will send one more request for nominees. Only Active members (certified to teach in the public schools) may run for Board office.
The Bellingham School District is funding eight people to take the four TSE endorsement courses that will start on June 18th. That is why the courses are being held in Bellingham this summer. However, registration is open to all. Alex Hansen will be the trainer. The maximum amount of people that can sign up for the course is twelve. Registration opens up for this course on April 30th. As seats are limited, anyone interested should register early. The information for registration is available on the home page of the WTSEA website.
1. First two meetings: January 18 and March 14
2. Next Meeting on May 16 - 10 AM to 12 PM
The DOL has sent the first draft of the WA State TSE Core Curriculum to CWU for review, and CWU provided its feedback on April 16. OSPI and DOL met to review that feedback on April 24. DOL was to have made revisions based on that feedback, but CWU has not been notified of such. On April 30 the revised draft curriculum is being sent to WSP, DOH, WTSC, OSPI and the workgroup for review and feedback, due by May 4. Revisions will be made based on that feedback. The final workgroup meeting will be held on May 16. We have not seen an agenda for that meeting as yet. Pam Meyers, the DOL curriculum specialist, maintains that Phase I of the project is on target for completion by the due date of August 1st. Phase I is the development of the minimum core concepts that constitute the “Core Curriculum” that must be taught in all TSE programs. Phase II will begin after August 1, 2018 and will constitute the development of resources, activities, worksheets, videos, etc. that will support the Core Curriculum. Pam sends out weekly updates to the workgroup members. The WTSEA board has concerns regarding the direction the DOL is going with the core curriculum. DOL is endorsing the DSAA curriculum and is ignoring the benefits of using the ADTSEA and WRPC curriculum which we are all more familiar with. We are not being provided response feedback on input we have given, nor have we been given the rationale for decisions made. We do not know why the DSAA curriculum model was selected and why the WRPC standards were never considered. No case has been made justifying the DSAA curriculum’s alleged superiority over the curriculum standards we prefer. We will share the draft curriculum with members after it is distributed to us and ask that members provide Gerry, Skeet, Scott and Alex feedback prior to May 4. There has been much confusion on just what is plan for the curriculum project. The following is wording from Pam Meyers, explaining the difference between Phase I and Phase II: |
1. 2018 Legislative session
Bills passed/killed (website) The status of bills considered during the 2018 legislative session were reviewed. They have been posted on our website under the Legislative page - Current Events. Alex talked about one bill that became a law (HB 2087) - There was an amendment made to the “Move Over Law.” Now drivers have to move over into another lane or slow down if a work zone vehicle (construction, utility vehicle, etc.) is on the shoulder of a road and has its emergency flashers on. This addition needs to be updated in what we teach in our classrooms. |
2. HB 2266
Testimony and proposed amendment HB 2226 introduced the “core curriculum” concept, clarifying language in ESHB 1481, that mandated a “required curriculum” for all schools. This amended language in HB 2266 stipulated that only a “Core Curriculum” containing minimum concepts would be produced and required, not a complete curriculum such as Oregon requires. Alex went to Olympia February 15 to testify in favor of the bill in the Senate Education Committee hearing. He wrote a definition for “core curriculum” which was missing from the bill, adding language that defines core curriculum as the minimum concepts that must be taught, and also required to be assessed. Rep. Hayes approved of the language. The committee accepted the concept and added an amendment, which passed the Senate Education committee and the Rules committee. The bill, however ran out of time and was not taken up on the Senate floor. It therefore remains in the “X file” and may be considered again next year. Therefore, the original language of a “required curriculum” remains, even though the DOL is proceeding with the “Core Curriculum” idea. |
3. DOL has filed a CR-101 proposal to change the language in WAC 308-108-150
Curriculum Schedule.The DOL WAC proposal wipes out all language that deals with integration of the classroom and behind-the-wheel phases. WTSEA provided written feedback opposing this change. It is available on our Legislative page of the website under Current Events. In addition, the Board directed Alex to send our objections to the following people: Representatives Kilduff, and Hayes, Darren Grondel from the WTSC, Superintendent Chris Reykdal of OSPI, and the DOL director, Pat Kohler. They need to know that this non-integration policy formulated by the DOL goes against the recommendations in the NHTSA assessment of driver education in Washington State. |
1. The Oregon PNW regional TSE conference.
David wished he could have sent to the PNW conference attendees their clock hour forms earlier. He did NOT receive the spreadsheets from Western Oregon University for three weeks after the conference. For conference attendees to receive clock hours for each session they needed to fill out the evaluation form for that session. Next year at the PNW conference David would like to go back to where we would hand out the clock hour forms at the end of each day. We would have sign in and sign out sheets at the registration table. |
2. WTSEA official clock hour policy
Assignment = Bylaw language with rationale; A decision will be tabled until next meeting when Mike can be present.Alex gave the board members a homework assignment for the next board meeting. He wants us to review the clock hour application packet and Bylaw language. He wants us to write down any changes we should make to this application so it is more clear when we should provide clock hours to WTSEA members. After looking at the proposals made by the board members, we can work out a clearer clock hour policy. Everybody agrees that clock hour applications need to be submitted and approved before attending a conference or workshop, and that only Traffic-Safety related conferences or workshops should be considered. OSPI will NOT accept clock hours but will accept college credit for someone trying to get a TSE endorsement. WOU no longer offers credit for its courses, which puts people in a bind who have taken those courses in order to receive a TSE endorsement in Washington. Regardless, they still have to take the SED 484 TSE Administration course from CWU. |
1. Update – Review Bylaw Policy on who attends
The Bylaws state the WTSEA president is automatically funded to attend the annual ADTSEA conference. This covers airfare, registration, food and lodging. If there is money left over then WTSEA will split costs for registration for anyone else going who is a WTSEA board member. The only person from the board who requested funding is Gerry Apple |
2. WTSEA budget item – approval
A motion was made by David and seconded by Skeet to approve $600 for Gerry to go to the ADTSEA conference. Motion passed. The rest of the ADTSEA conference budget line item ($1500 to $2000) will not be spent this year. |
It is time to come up with creative ideas to fill the board vacancies and bring younger folks onto the Board. Soon, several of us will be stepping down due to age or health. Some ESDs in the state of Washington are a three or four-hour drive away from Ellensburg. A suggestion was made by Scott and several other board members that we try teleconferencing. We looked at the program called “Go-to-Meetings.” This would allow people to participate in the board meeting from anywhere using the camera on their computer or their phone. You would need to have the updated version of Flash player on your computer. Plus, the meetings then would not have to be held on a Saturday. Finally, this method for board meetings would be more cost-effective. We would not have to reimburse mileage for each board member to attend the board meeting, and we wouldn’t have to pay for lunch. We decided that we will do a free trial at our September meeting. If it goes well, we will approve the expenditure for the rest of the year, about $30 per month. Mike Shepherd and Mike Hahn will be in charge of coordinating the “Go To Meeting” in September.
Skeet wants to train someone to eventually take on his many responsibilities as treasurer, webmaster, and conference chairperson. Scott mentioned that we need to start looking for individuals who might want to take on one or all of these responsibilities. |
To provide Alex a $2000 stipend for being our legislative liaison during the 2017-2018 school year. This included the four per diem days that Alex used to do legislative liaison work for WTSEA. The motion passed.