HB 2866 passed the House. Alex was unable to testify due to recovering from heart surgery. He was able to testify in favor of the bill in the Senate, and suggested an amendment that Rep. Hayes approved of. The bill with the proposed amendment passed the Senate Education Committee. But the bill ran out of time and consequently did NOT pass the Senate because it didn’t reach the floor for final debate. The bill will be re-introduced in the 2019 legislative session. We will reach out to Representative Kilduff from University Place to help us pass this amendment to ESHB 1481/HB 2266.
Alex submitted information on other TSE-related bills from the 2018 legislative session that will be placed on the legislative page of our website. More information about other legislative/policy issues can be found there. The board definitely feels that Alex should be compensated for his time this school year as the legislative liaison. He has used up all of his personal days and spent over 100 hours. He is heavily involved in the curriculum project, and has submitted a response to the DOL rejecting their proposed WACs stripping the integration requirement. (See the legislative page of the website for more information) Despite his heart setbacks, he has been quite busy on WTSEA business. No action was taken. A motion was made by Mike Heinlen and seconded by Gerry that we accept the Consent Agenda items. The motion passed. |
A. Elections
a. Currently/Coming UpThe board agrees with Skeet that the elections need to be held earlier in the year so that we have our board members in place by September 1st of the new school year.
Here is the timeline that Skeet proposed: |
March– contact people in the open areas to see if they want to run for a board position.
April - Election process - send out the ballots May - Results of the elections will be posted and then the WTSEA board will decide which areas need to have board members appointed to be on the board. According to our constitution, commercial school teachers licensed only by the DOL may vote but they may not be WTSEA board members. Only OSPI-certified TSE teachers may serve on the Board. |
b. Needs:
1. President Elect- Mike Hahn has been asked to run for president-elect. He is considering running for this position.
2. Reps for ESDs 101, 105, 112, 113, 114, 171, and 189 (if Mike Hahn runs and wins the president-elect position) Bill Haley has expressed an interest but has not committed to running for the ESD #171 board position along with current board member-Gale Wilson. 3. Problems to solve As a result of the Board Representative nomination/volunteer process being opened, a member suggested that if board members could be on skype or video conferencing instead of personally attending the board meetings, it might encourage more volunteers to be on the board. In that today’s meeting agenda is extremely full, the board agreed to discuss this at the next meeting. |
B. Fall Traffic Safety Conference-2018- Gerry/Skeet
. Pre-conference agenda The pre-conference will be held from 1 to 4 PM on Friday, October 12th. This workshop will be for public school coordinators and administrators, but is open to all. The DOL and OSPI will provide the workshop and Alex Hansen will be the facilitator.
b. Conference workshop agenda On Friday night, Chuck Filippini will provide a four-hour first aid/CPR class. In addition to first aid, it is hoped that two speakers will share the 3-clock hour general session. Gerry and Skeet will invite the Washington State Trucking Association and Operation Lifesaver to speak. On Saturday morning, March 13th Alex Hansen and David Slipp will do the introductions. Before the general sessions start at 8:30 AM, Skeet and Gerry will introduce each of the exhibitors and have them speak briefly. During the first general session Angie Ward, from the Washington Traffic Safety Commission will be invited to share time with Brian Walsh, from the Department of Transportation. Following the first general session there will be a half-hour Networking & Break. Ten or more sponsors/exhibitors will be invited. The 2nd general session speaker will be Wayne Graham who is the Thurston County Prosecutor. After lunch and the awards, Sergeant Wright, from the Washington State Patrol will be invited to speak. This will be followed by a thirty minute Networking & Break, where the conference attendees will have an opportunity to, once again, visit the exhibitors. c. Workshop suggestions Conference attendees will have a choice of two from four workshop choices. The following speakers will be invited: (UDOL/OSPI) - Update one workshop of 1 hour & 15 min Sheryl Vanderwalker (digital cameras for TSE) one workshop of 1 hour & 15 min Mark Butcher and Mi Ae Lipe (Situational Awareness/Commentary Driving) Skeet Gaul (Behind-the-Wheel Techniques) 2-sessions David Slipp (R-O-W rules/Doing the Right Thing) 2-sessions Alternate workshop possibilities: Bicycle/Pedestrian safety; New Vehicle Technology Skeet Gaul (Behind-the-Wheel Techniques) 2-sessions David Slipp (R-O-W rules/Doing the Right Thing) 2-sessions Alternate workshop possibilities: Bicycle/Pedestrian safety; New Vehicle Technology |
A. Spring workshop This workshop would be for three hours. Casey said he would be willing to conduct the workshop and the target audience would be TSE coordinators and administrators. We need to check with Alex about this workshop before we consult with Casey. We need to ask Alex if there is a need for this workshop. If participants want clock hours for this workshop they would need to be WTSEA members. There would be a separate pricing for members and non-members. This workshop would be held on a Saturday morning in May either at the Renton Technology Center or at the ESD #121 headquarters. This will be discussed in the coming days.
B. CWU classes/Satellite courses – Bellingham - Mike Skeet will contact Alex and Scott and have them provide information regarding this summer session intended to train TSE instructors. Right now eight people from the Bellingham School District have committed to take this summer course. We would like to increase this number by advertising this program throughout the state. C. New Curriculum facilitated by Pamela Meyers - Skeet and Gerry The next meeting of the curriculum committee will be held on March 14th from 10am to 3pm at the DOL office in west Olympia. Phase 1 of the curriculum, the required core curriculum concepts, is supposed to be ready by August 1st. D. DOL SAW account revisions- Mike and Gerry The Drives program which is a revision of the DOL SAW Portal account will go into effect on September 1st. Training for and testing of the new portal account will occur in August. E. Options to attending board meetings - There are pros and cons in having people go to a teleconference site to view the board meeting if they live a long way away from CWU. This option will be discussed during next meeting. F. DOL stakeholders meeting held in February in Kent - Gerry and Skeet Five different presentations were made at this stakeholders’ meeting
G. TSE project-Mark Butcher Mark has been in communication with Gerry concerning this project. He has also been working with PDSA. He needs at least 1,500 DOL score sheets from across the state from PDSA and WTSEA. He wants to make the skills test more dependent on making good decisions and less on how people do on the three parking maneuvers. |