FROM I TO Y (TIM BECKHAM & TRAVIS GRODON) Gen Z or the i generation is different than any generation we taught before. We will be going over who they are, how to communicate with them, and discuss tools on how to engage them in classroom. FROM I TO Y (TIM BECKHAM AND TRAVIS GORDON) GOALS
Explain how Gen Z is different than others.
Make attendees aware of how to identify and communicate with them.
Make attendees aware of tools on how to engage them in the classroom.
Attendees will learn how Gen Z communicates with each other and how us as instructors can communicate with them more effectively.
Attendees will learn how Gen Z is different than previous generations.
Attendees will discover new tools on how to engage them in classroom effectively.
APPLICATION OF FROM I TO Y (TIM BECKHAM & TRAVIS GRODON) Brief description: Last workshop we talked about Gen Z and who they are and how to engage them. Now we will demonstrate application of our previous workshop. We will demonstrate activities that engage Gen Z and fits within their characteristics.
Attendees will be shown a variety of activities to engage Gen Z.
Attendees will be made aware of activities in which to engage Gen Z in the classroom.
PUTTING THE GDE MATRIX INTO PRACTICE (MARK BUTCHER & PAM MEYERS) This introductory workshop will help participants understand the full range of factors influencing driver behavior and decision making. The truly novel aspect of the new Required Curriculum is the GDE Matrix. This holistic approach for training novice drivers to identify and understand the full range of factors that affect driver behavior and decision-making comes to us from abroad, and has been used in Europe for quite some time. But, to us, it is a new concept and approach. Mark and Pam will guide us through understanding the GDE Matrix and driver self-evaluation, and then share practical steps for putting it into practice in our own TSE programs. PUTTING THE GDE MATRIX INTO PRACTICE (MARK BUTCHER & PAM MEYERS) GOALS
Present the thinking behind the GDE Matrix
Introduce the GDE Matrix and Self-Evaluation
Offer practical steps for putting it into practice
Address questions regarding the GDE Matrix and its application
Attendees will understand the hierarchical levels of driver behavior.
Attendees will learn how the essential elements of driver training affect those behaviors.
Attendees will understand the impact of driver self-evaluation and have specific tools for fostering it in their own training program.
CURRENT TRENDS AND LEGAL UPDATES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY (SERGEANT DARREN WRIGHT - WSP) This session will be an interactive discussion about the current trends in traffic safety and how law enforcement is trying to reduce injuries and fatalities and reach the Target Zero goal. New drivers are the perfect audience for changing driving behaviors that have been shown to cause collisions. This session will discuss how traffic safety educators and law enforcement can work together to make the roads safer. Part of the session will be dedicated to a question and answer period where participants can ask questions from Sgt. Wright. CURRENT TRENDS AND LEGAL UPDATES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY (SERGEANT DARREN WRIGHT-WSP) GOALS
Partner with educators to reach the Target Zero Goal.
Have an open discussion about how law enforcement is enforcing traffic laws within the pandemic.
Hold an interactive question and answer session to provide two-way communication between educators and law enforcement.
Attendees will be aware of how law enforcement is enforcing traffic laws within a pandemic.