This workshop is designed for TSE Coordinators to inform you of the new requirements your TSE program will need to meet in order to pass a DOL audit and receive program certification for the 2018-2019 school year. The DOL and OSPI will take you through the auditing process and provide the information you will need to be in compliance with all requirements. The workshop will cover these topics:
An overview of the audit process.
When you can expect to be audited; when to be prepared (scheduling)
What you will need to be prepared for:
A complete audit checklist - everything the DOL will need your school to have prepared for the audit
Acceptable forms and records and record-keeping requirements
Required curriculum and how you are to demonstrate compliance
What is required respective to written classroom lesson plans, BTW lesson plans, and BTW route plans
Required proof of teacher certification and continuing education
Update on any new WACs implemented or being considered
Specifics on the roles of DOL and OSPI in the process
What to expect if a program is found to be out of compliance; disciplinary process
How the auditing process will be conducted
(FRIDAY 5:00-9:00) CPR/FIRST AID Chuck Filippini (WTSEA Board Representative)
Students in this class will learn the fundamentals of CPR and First Aid. Upon the successful completion of the class which includes passing a basic exam, students will earn a current CPR / First
(FRIDAY 6:00-9:00) GENERAL SESSION Lou Gervino (Driver Education Manager at Manitoba, Canada, Public Insurance for 16 years; presenter at several U.S. conferences)
Two drivers are driving side by side. They encounter a traffic jam. One navigates the obstruction with calm and cool logic. The other is the opposite – yelling profanities, gesturing and honking the horn. Why the difference? There are basic aspects that affect one’s driving and understanding these will better prepare instructors who teach the next generation of drivers.
Lou Gervino (Driver Education Manager at Manitoba, Canada, Public Insurance for 16 years; presenter at several U.S. conferences)
There are a number of valuable tools available which can leverage the effectiveness of Driver Education Programs. This presentation will explore several of these tools.
(SATURDAY 10:00-11:50) "TRAUMA NURSES TALK TOUGH" Shelley Campbell (Trauma nurse at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Portland, Oregon)
Shelley is a trauma nurse at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center, Portland, Oregon. She will present on behalf of the Trauma Nurses Talk Tough program. Trauma Nurses Talk Tough (TNTT) was developed in 1986 by three trauma nurses who wanted to put an end to the carnage they saw every day as a result of unnecessary injuries and deaths. Today, the wide-reaching impact of these programs has helped save countless lives through community education and advocacy.
(SATURDAY 12:30-2:00) “ESHB 1481 – IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TSE PROGRAMS & WHAT’S NEXT?” Alex Hansen, WTSEA President-elect and Legislative Liaison
This workshop is designed for anyone who could not attend Friday’s TSE Coordinator’s workshop on “Preparing for DOL Audits.” The passage of ESHB 1481 will have many implications for public school TSE programs. We will provide you with the latest information the DOL and OSPI have at the time so that you can begin preparing adequately to meet the new requirements. During this time, WTSEA will also seek input from our members regarding our website, services, and policy agenda going forward. This is your chance to tell us how to best represent you, and what you expect/need from your WTSEA Board of Directors.
(SATURDAY 12-:30-2:00) "WSP; WHAT’S NEW AND EXCITING IN TRAFFIC SAFETY") Sergeant Darren Wright of the Washington State Patrol
This presentation is intended to provide updates to existing laws, information on new laws, trends in driver violations and enforcement goals of the WSP. In it Sergeant Wright is hoping to share important information with those who teach our future drivers and learn how the WSP can better assist driving instructors to accomplish their mission. He also hopes to meet some new people and have some fun.
(SATURDAY 12:30-2:00) "DRIVING AGE VS. EMOTIONAL MATURITY" John Clark, WTSEA Board Representative ESD 105
How do we close the gap between driving age and emotional maturity? Students must come to the realization that just because they turn 16 does not mean they are ready to drive. This workshop will address these issues. Ever wonder why insurance companies and car rental agencies make age 25 a determining factor? Information based upon solid research will be given about brain development and the connection between emotional maturity and social media. Most of the seminar will consist of 10 points of emphasis that TSE instructors can and should instill in their students to help them realize the seriousness of the driving privilege. Questions will be also be given that can be used in students' own self-evaluation.
Four goals (or what participants can leave with):
Develop more awareness of the lack of emotional maturity related to teen driving.
To present 10 points of emphasis for closing the gap between driving age and emotional maturity.
To realize the connection between emotional maturity and social media as a major cause of driver distraction.
To provide TSE instructors with questions that can be used in the classroom and behind-the-wheel to aid students in doing self-evaluation of their own emotional maturity level.
(SATURDAY Workshop) “KEY R.O.W. LAWS - GETTING ON THE SAME PAGE” Alex Hansen, TSE Coordinator, Eatonville S.D. and CWU Adjunct Professor
Last year there was a cancellation in the agenda so Alex stepped up and spontaneously presented a workshop on Arterials. It was well-received, but Alex had much more material to cover. So, he promised to come back and present again this year. He wanted to do a three-hour Friday workshop on teaching the right-of-way (R.O.W.) laws so that we are all teaching them uniformly. But, alas, along came the passage of ESHB 1481, creating an urgency to address the implementation of this new law. Alex will be presenting that workshop to TSE Coordinators. Nevertheless, in this mini-breakout session, Alex will take on a few important concepts that will help us all “get on the same page” of teaching the R.O.W. laws uniformly and effectively. If well-received, be sure to let the Board know you still want Alex back for more next year!
The Shelton SADD Club has been in existence since 1985. The “Happy Students” of this SADD Club were named the national club of the year at last year’s NSSP (National Student Safety Program) conference in Portland. Each of these students attended the National Student Safety Program (NSSP) conference in Portland, Oregon. The NSSP Conference is a student leadership conference sponsored by ADTSEA that occurs simultaneously with each ADTSEA Conference.
In this workshop, students will discuss the many projects they do throughout the school year on the following topics:
Texting and driving
Alcohol, marijuana and other drugs and how they affect one’s driving
Child restraint laws, bicycle and pedestrian safety
How to start a SAAD Club at your school