CPR / First Aid – Chuck Filippini Students in this class will learn the fundamentals of CPR and First Aid. Upon the successful completion of the class which includes passing a basic exam, students will earn a current CPR / First Aid card
Comparative TSE Programs – Mark Butcher Washington has not kept pace with international developments in either traffic safety systems, or the process to develop competently safe new drivers. This presentation will look at how the US and Washington fatality rates compare internationally, followed by an overview of the systems of licensure in UK, Norway, and New South Wales state in Australia.
UK is internationally acknowledged as world leader in safe driving practice, and we will look at their approach to new driver training and testing.
Norway is now established as world leader in incorporating driver attitude and behavior into their approach to developing new drivers, leading to greater driver self-awareness and self-evaluation.
New South Wales, Australia, has a long-term and highly pragmatic system to full licensure, and a good role model for Washington.
Target Zero– Angie Ward and Shelly Baldwin
If we are ever going to reach our goal of zero injuries and fatalities on our roadways, we must all work towards it together. Get an update on the work being done and be ready to offer your input on the plan and it’s goal. www.targetzero.com
Trends in Traffic Safety Education– Richard Chidester This session is developed with you, the instructor in mind. Are you up to speed on the latest teaching tips and techniques? Have you incorporated current technology in you teaching methods? Have you taken the time to update your arsenal of teaching props? All this and more will be presented in a participant centered environment designed to increase participation and knowledge retention.
Topics presented include:
National trends in driver training and education
Utilizing participant centered learning for increased retention
Updates on the latest vehicle technology and how it impacts training
Incorporating props and technology to get your message across
Visual Awareness and Vehicle Dynamics -Raul Almeida Raul will emphasize the importance or visual awareness. The importance of keeping your eyes up and scanning, looking where you want the vehicle to go and the use of peripheral vision. He will also talk about the importance of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) on vehicles. He will demonstrate vehicles without ESC and show how it enhances the driver’s control.
Statewide Driver Education Assessment–Loni Miller, Vanessa Simpson & Robert Jelvik In May, the Dept. of Licensing and the Washington Traffic Safety Commission hired the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to conduct a statewide assessment of driver education in Washington. Now with the top recommendations identified, we want to share the initial stages of the strategic plan with you and seek your input. Our goal is to work together to make these recommendations a reality.
The State of Public School TSE Programs – Yusuf Quidwai (WTSEA) We will discuss the recent Review of our Washington State TSE program by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) --- and what it might mean to public schools. We will also discuss any new legislation that would affect public school traffic safety programs.
Workshop – A: Washington State MADD – Mischelle Davis, Marsha Masters & Courtney Popp This workshop is broken into three distinct parts. Part One: Get the latest up-to-date information about under aged drunk and drugged driving in Washington State. Learn about impaired driving traffic safety bills that have been introduced in Washington State. And the 10 things that every parent of a teen driver needs to know about Washington state law. Part Two: Three out of four kids and teens say that their parents, not their peers, are the biggest influence on their decisions about alcohol. Learn about MADD programs and resources that will help parents substantially reduce the chance that their child will drink before the age of 21. MADD’s Power of Parents® program helps parents talk early and often about the dangers and consequences of underage drinking. Part Three: This portion of the workshop will provide a ‘how-to’ snapshot of the pre-planning, organization, and execution/implementation of a student-driven impaired driving prevention program. The “Every 15 Minutes,” program takes high school students and their family members through the two day aftermath experience of an fatal impaired driving crash scenario.. The crash may be staged and the injuries simulated, but the emotions are real, intense, and lasting. The purpose of this reality-based program is to increase students’ awareness and change their behavior, and hopefully prevent the senseless deaths caused by drinking and driving.
Workshop – B:Emergencies & Tire Care– David Frost In this class, we will examine everyday roadway hazards and will demonstrate how to use props and technology to teach the importance of being prepared ahead of hazards that may come our way.
Workshop – C:Sharing The Wealth: BTW & Classroom Activities – Gerry Apple, & Skeet Gaul In this workshop, Gerry, and Skeet will share some ideas or techniques they use in the classroom or BTW that have proven successful over the years. They all pertain to skills we teach or best practices. These are fresh ideas not presented in previous conferences. Each will present for about 20-minutes and then the last part of the workshop will solicit ideas from the audience as to what teaching methods have proven successful for them.
Workshop – D:Teaching Insurance– Dave Slipp A very effective interactive model to teach students about insurance. Workshop attendees should fill out Insurance Workshop form-A ahead of time and bring it to the session. This presentation will provide a very effective interactive model to use in the classroom to help students learn about insurance; What it is, why it is needed, why certain dollar amounts of coverage’s are important, what the different coverage’s are and what they cover. Includes a PowerPoint Presentation, forms and the activity to use in the classroom. Participants will be able to use this very effective, interactive model in their classrooms to help students understand insurance.
Workshop – E:Motorcycles – A Second Look: Teaching Motorcycle Awareness to Drive Training Students -David Weed This workshop will provide insight into current trends facing drivers and riders as they share the road together, provide usable tools and activities for encouraging motorcycle awareness in your drive training students, and provide information regarding motorcycle laws, training, and the Washington Motorcycle Safety Program.