Announcing the 2016 WTSEA FALL CONFERENCE "Trends in Traffic Safety Education" October 14th &15th
Confluence Technology Center (CTC), 285 Technology Center Way Wenatchee, Washington 98801 for accommodations Please contact the hotels directly, we have reserved blocks of rooms at both the Comfort Suites and the Comfort Inn, La Quinta and Holiday Inn Express but you must let them know that you are with Washington Traffic Safety Education Association
Registration has now begun! To Register please go to the Conference/Membership Registration page above to register and the Store page to pay. Remember your registration is not complete until both your registration and payment are received.
Remember that Membership includes clock hours at no cost for public school TSE instructors and for commercial TSE instructors we forward proof of attendance to DOL for your clock hours.
Chuck Filippini (WTSEA Board of Directors, Spokane Representative) will be offering a First Aid Certification workshop worth 4-clock hours, during Friday’s Pre-Conference.