CPR / First Aid–Chuck Filippini
Students in this class will learn the
fundamentals of CPR and First Aid. Upon
the successful completion of the class which includes passing a basic exam,
students will earn a current CPR / First Aid card
Hash Oil 101 - Miriam
Norman Learn
about the dangers of Hash Oil, the newest, form of Marijuana. Learn about the
“new” meth labs aka hash oil distilleries. Learn about the effects of
marijuana/hash oil on the human body. Learn about the forms hash oil can take
and how it can be ingested. Learn to identify tools/implements/paraphernalia
associated with hash oil.
Visual Awareness & Electronic Stability Control (ESC) - Raul Almeida Raul will emphasize the importance or visual awareness. The importance of keeping your eyes up and scanning, looking where you want the vehicle to go and the use of peripheral vision. He will also talk about the importance of Electronic Stability Control (ESC) on vehicles. He will demonstrate vehicles without ESC and show how it enhances the driver’s control.
_Teen Drivers and the Law:What Parents Should Know - Mischelle
Davis Parents of
teen drivers frequently seek legal advice after their child has been in a motor
vehicle accident. Regardless of the circumstances, parents almost always have
questions about their own personal or legal responsibility for injuries or
damages that their child may have caused. Many parents have not
given any prior consideration to these very important questions. And most say
that had they fully understood what their legal and financial responsibilities
were for an auto accident caused by their child they would have done things
presentation is intended to offer an overview and summary of some of the most
important things that the parents of teens should know about their legal duties
and financial obligations. A handout that could be given to parents of
driver’s ed students will also be provided. The hope is that if more
parents have an understanding of these issues they will feel compelled to
provide more supervision and oversight of their young drivers so they can develop
good driving habits and follow the rules of the road.
New Initiatives and Directions in Traffic Safety Education – Andy Pilgrim This presentation will focus on the importance of parent driving habits as models for their children. We will talk about different ways in which parents impact student driving behavior. A new DVD to help parents will be addressed. We will demonstrate how this DVD can be used for parent nights as it provides parents with great tools, ideas and information. Also, new initiatives for younger school children will be examined. These initiatives are designed to prepare them for the driving task by helping them to be safer and to want to become part of the traffic safety solution. There will be time for questions at the end.
After the scheduled break, we will share a new presentation aimed at high school students who are starting out in Traffic Safety Education classes. Again, there will be time for questions at the end.
Crash Injury Mechanisms and Restraint Technologies – Rob Kaufman This presentation will examine the mechanism of injury in all types of motor vehicle crashes and provide an understanding of new restraint technologies. Real world crash cases and lab tests will be examined to illustrate factors that increase the risk of injury, such as: putting your seat back in a full reclined position, riding with unrestrained occupants, and having unsecured cargo in the vehicle.
DOL Driver Training School Project Update & Young Drivers 2013 Fatal Collisions – David Browne, Robert Fuller & Loni Miller DTS Project Update: As part of Governor Inslee’s Results Washington, Department of Licensing is the lead Agency on Target Zero Young Driver issues related to crash fatalities and serious injuries. As a result the Driver Training School Project was born. This project is taking the six Priority 1 issues from the Target Zero plan and adding them to the curriculum, driver guide and knowledge test.
Young Drivers: A close look at young driver statistics such as the uninsured, repeat offenders, and how they compare.
Public School Program Policies & Regulations– Yusuf Quidwai (WTSEA) & Glenn Gorton (OSPI) Yusuf and Glenn will review the important “Do’s and Dont's” of public school programs. They will cover the highlights of what must happen in order to be in compliance with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). Time will be left for questions and discussion.
Workshop – A:What Makes You a Better Driver Makes You Better at Life- Mi Ae Lipe As a driving instructor, how can you better motivate your students to pay attention to lessons of the road? It turns out that what makes you a better driver can help you be a better person in so many other ways. Learn in this fun, interactive, but thought-provoking workshop how a little shift in context can change so much—in ways that can last a lifetime.
Workshop – B: Motorcycles – A Second Look: Teaching Motorcycle Awareness to Drive Training Students - Matthew Lindberg & David Weed This workshop will provide insight into current trends facing drivers and riders as they share the road together, provide usable tools and activities for encouraging motorcycle awareness in your drive training students, and provide information regarding motorcycle laws, training, and the Washington Motorcycle Safety Program.
Workshop – C: The Adolescent Brain & Making BTW Decisions – Shelley Campbell This presentation begins with a discussion of the maturation process of the adolescent brain and the Pre Frontal Cortex. This will include a discussion of how the functioning of the Pre Frontal Cortex affects decisions made while teens are driving. We will examine how important role modeling is for this age group and how Driving Education Instructors and Parents can assess when a teen is “ready” to drive alone. We will also tie science with Traffic Safety with the Injuries that are seen in Trauma Centers. This discussion will finish with a look at quality of life issues and what that means to teens, their families and society.
Workshop – X: Sharing The Wealth: BTW & Classroom Activities – Gerry Apple, JC Fawcett and Skeet Gaul In this workshop, Gerry, JC and Skeet will share some ideas or techniques they use in the classroom or BTW that have proven successful over the years. They all pertain to skills we teach or best practices. Each teacher will present for about 15-minutes and then the last part of the workshop will solicit ideas from the audience as to what teaching methods have proven successful for them.
Workshop – Y: Marijuana and Traffic Safety – David Scattergood We will review the short and long term effects of marijuana and how the increasing acceptance of marijuana affects traffic safety. The goal is to present factual data about how marijuana affects the mind and body and see how usage increases as the perception of danger from use decreases. Free materials from Foundation For a Drug-Free World will be presented.
Workshop – Z: Teaching Insurance – Dave Slipp A very effective interactive model to teach students about insurance. Workshop attendees should fill out Insurance Workshop form-A ahead of time and bring it to the session.
This presentation will provide a very effective interactive model to use in the classroom to help students learn about insurance; What it is, why it is needed, why certain dollar amounts of coverage’s are important, what the different coverage’s are and what they cover. Includes a PowerPoint Presentation, forms and the activity to use in the classroom.
Participants will be able to use this very effective, interactive model in their classrooms to help students understand insurance.